
Dec 8, 2014

Andhra Chicken Curry | Andhra Style Chicken Curry Recipe | Spicy Chicken Curry Recipe

Andhra Chicken Curry Recipe
Hope You had a fabulous weekend, mine too went well and looking forward to a pleasant and calm week ahead. Today's recipe is a spicy, flavorful and mouth watering Andhra chicken curry/Andhra Style Chicken Curry recipe. Andhra Cuisine is well known for its hot and spicy dishes and this Chicken Curry is one such recipe. This is a rich curry with coconut and poppy seeds and flavored with good amount of spices. I wanted to try Andhra style Non-veg recipes for long time and finally it happened 2 weeks back. On a cold winter evening prepared this Andhra Chicken Curry and served along with rotis for dinner. This chicken curry is sure a treat for spicy food lovers like us.

I made it little more spicy but, have given the recipe-measurement for medium hot chicken curry. Also you can adjust the green chilli and chili powder to your desired spice level. I referred a you tube video for this chicken curry recipe and it turned out awesome, sure a keeper recipe. So, for a change from your regular style of chicken curry try this Andhra style spicy Chicken Curry recipe, definitely you will love it. Don't panic on seeing the big ingredients list, just for easy understanding I divided it to different headings. This is absolutely an easy to make chicken curry. This spicy chicken curry suits well with Rotis/Phulka/Parotta/Dosa and even with rice & Biryani also. Now off to the recipe..

Andhra Chicken Curry Recipe
Andhra Chicken Curry Recipe
Prep Time : 10-12 minutes | Cook Time : 25 minutes
Recipe Category : Side Dish | Serves 6
Andhra Chicken Curry RecipeIngredients
To Marinate
  1. Chicken   1.2lb or 500 gm(cut into pieces or you can use drumsticks also)
  2. Chilli Powder   1 tsp
  3. Turmeric Powder  1/4 tsp
  4. Salt  1/4 tsp
To Roast & Grind
  1. Coriander Seeds/Dhaniya   2 and 1/2 tbsp
  2. Clove  3 no.
  3. Cinnamon  1" piece
  4. Cardamom  1  no.
  5. Cumin seeds  1/4 tsp
To Wet Grind
  1. Coconut   1/4-1/2 cup(shredded fresh or frozen)
  2. Poppy seeds  1//-3/4 tsp(just roast in a heated pan)
For Ginger Chili Paste
  1. Ginger   2" piece
  2. Garlic  4-5 fat cloves
  3. Green chilli  2 no.
For The Curry
  1. Onion   1 large(finely chopped)
  2. Tomato  1 medium(chopped)
  3. Green chili  2 or3 no.(chopped)
  4. Curry leaves  few
  5. Turmeric Powder   a pinch
  6. Chili Powder  1 and 1/2 tsp
  7. Cilantro   1/4 cup or 3 tbsp (finely chopped)
  8. Oil  1/2 tbsp
  • First clean and marinate the chicken with the given ingredients and keep aside.
  • Then crush ginger-garlic-green chili using pestle and mortar or pulse it in a mixer.
  • And then heat a pan and dry roast coriander seeds, clove, cinnamon, cardamom, jeera and transfer to a mixer jar and blend to a fine powder and keep ready.
  • To the same heated pan add poppy seeds roast for few seconds then remove from the pan and grind it along with coconut to a fine paste and keep aside.
  • Now heat oil in a wide kadai or pan, when it is hot add onion, green chili and curry leaves and saute onion till it turns golden brown.
  • Then add crushed ginger-chilli and saute for 1-2 minutes.
  • After that chopped tomato and saute till it turns soft and mushy.
  • And then add marinated chicken, chili powder, turmeric powder and saute for 3-4 minutes.
  • Then add 1/2 cup water and bring it to boil, once it starts boiling add the roasted and ground masala powder, stir well and boil for 2 minutes.
  • And now add the ground coconut-poppy seeds paste, enough salt and add water to desired consistency and cook till oil floats on top or pressure cook for 1-2 whistles.
  • Once done, finally add some finely chopped cilantro and switch off the stove.
  • That's it...Spicy Andhra Style Chicken Curry ready. Serve hot with rice or rotis or parotta.
Adjust chili powder and green chili to your spice level.
Adding coconut and poppy seeds makes the curry rich, flavorful and gives your more quantity and taste.
But if you don't like poppy seeds, skip it and also you can replace coconut with coconut milk.
Make this curry little spicy, because the addition of poppy seeds and coconut will suppress the spice level.
I skipped cardamom with the masala powder , instead added 1 whole cardamom along with the onions and sauteed.
Andhra Chicken Curry Recipe

Andhra Chicken Curry Recipe


  1. yummy...yummy....sangee....i need it noooowwwww.....

  2. its truly amazing, really tempting one

  3. yes its a perfect treat for spicy lovers like me that too in this awesome cold whether..the list doesnt looks too long ya.. you made it nicely with easy understanding topics.. so it should be very easy for readers..Thanks for the recipe

  4. Lipsmacking ....will try this week....Nicely presented

  5. absolutely flavorful looking curry....

  6. Tempting chicken curry . Will try

  7. This looks so yumm and mouthwatering...finger licking good...Great recipe:)

  8. loving the beautiful curry dear

  9. Such a mouthwatering curry!!! looks delicious..

  10. Tried this today turned out yymmy

  11. I prepare this every alternative Sundays...its really awesome....thank you for the recipe

  12. I prepare this every alternative Sundays...its really awesome....thank you for the recipe


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